Friends are Essential; How Do We Surround Ourselves with the Right Ones?

Research has shown that friends are essential to personal happiness and that the quality of our friendships has a huge impact on the quality of our lives. Friends help lift our moods and improve our health. Having at least four friends can even help us live significantly longer. In 2001, researchers at Duke University found that people with fewer than four friends were more than twice as likely...
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How Will We Activate the Power of Positivity for 2017?

How are you feeling about 2017? Are you happy, sad, enthusiastic, fearful, excited, worried, optimistic, pessimistic, uncertain, conflicted? You might be feeling all of these emotions and many more on a moment by moment basis as 2017 gets going. And since we’re all human and subject to our evolutionary programming, we have what’s called a negativity bias. That means we are naturally more...
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Is Your Mindset Working For or Against You?

Mindsets, beliefs about our intelligence, talents, and personalities, profoundly affect how we live our lives. Is your mindset working for or against you? Some people relish a challenge and tackle it with excitement while others approach the same challenge with dread or avoidance. Some people experience a setback as an opportunity to learn and grow while others see the same setback as a...
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What Leadership Behaviors Do We Need Most for the Future?

In the McKinsey Report, Women Matter 2, there were nine key leadership behaviors identified that improve organizational performance. Of these behaviors, four were seen as most effective in addressing the global challenges of the future and yet, not sufficiently prevalent in corporations. Of the four most critical behaviors, three are more often demonstrated by women and one is considered...
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Bad Leadership – Why are we so reluctant to talk about it?

Leadership and being a leader is almost invariably viewed in a positive way. The leadership literature and the industry supporting the training and development of leaders are overwhelmingly focused on the positive aspects of leadership. When searching on Amazon for “good leadership” there were 35,620 results and when searching for “bad leadership” there were 3,931...
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