“Didn’t I Just Say That?” What Does it Take for Women’s Voices to be Heard at Work?

Have you had this experience? You share an idea during a meeting and there’s no response; the discussion just moves on without anyone taking note. But a few minutes later, one of your male co-workers shares the very same idea and everyone jumps on it and starts discussing the brilliant idea. As you look around the table in confusion and disbelief, you ask yourself, “Didn’t I just say...
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Create the Future by Setting Powerful Intentions

Happy New Year! Are you ready for a fabulous year? Did you make New Year’s Resolutions, or do you hate them and reject the whole idea of making (and then often breaking) them? Resolutions seem to be more focused on fixing things that are wrong rather than on opening up possibilities that may blast through and surpass even our most positively framed resolutions. So, even if you love making...
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What Options Do We Have And How Do We Start Planning for the Rest of Our Lives?

Since 2011 baby boomers have been turning 65 at a rate of 10,000 per day and are facing a substantially different landscape than that faced by previous generations. Life expectancy in the U.S. has increased from age 47 in 1900 to almost 80 years of age now and many of those who are approaching the next stage of their lives are not interested in sitting on the sidelines for the next 20 years or...
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Is it Really Necessary to Reframe our Definition of Success or is Something Else Going On?

Over the past couple of years there’s been much discussion in the press about redefining success and examining our society’s current view of success. Arianna Huffington’s book, Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Life of Well-Being, Wisdom, and Wonder, published in March of this year, has stimulated the discussion anew. But, do we really need to redefine success...
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What Are the Critical Concepts of Personal Finance that Women Must Know?

A 2013 Merrill Lynch study found that 72% of women say they know less than the average investor about investing in general and women responding to a Prudential survey reported feeling no more prepared to make wise financial decisions today than they did a decade ago. They also report no improvement in their understanding of financial and insurance products. This is particularly disconcerting...
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