Is Your Mindset Working For or Against You?
Posted by Karen McGee on Sep 10, 2016 in Executive Coaching, Values and Core Beliefs | 0 commentsMindsets, beliefs about our intelligence, talents, and personalities,
profoundly affect how we live our lives.
Is your mindset working for or against you?
Some people relish a challenge and tackle it with excitement while others approach the same challenge with dread or avoidance. Some people experience a setback as an opportunity to learn and grow while others see the same setback as a failure, something that must be avoided at all costs. What is it that produces such opposite reactions to the same circumstances? It’s the person’s mindset, a deeply held belief or set of beliefs about their intelligence, talents, and personalities and whether these are fixed, deep-seated traits or something that can be developed through dedication and effort.
According to Carol S. Dweck, author of Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, a fixed mindset stands in the way of development while a growth mindset is the starting point for change once a decision has been made to apply effort to achieve a goal. A fixed mindset is often a barrier to learning and effort is viewed as a bad thing, evidence of inadequacy or a failing. In the growth mindset, effort is seen as positive evidence or a valued endpoint of its own.
If your mindset is not working on your behalf, helping you to fulfill your potential, the good news is that mindset is a choice and can be changed. Join us on September 30th to explore the topic of mindsets more thoroughly. Discover what your mindset is and join in the discussion about the impact of mindsets in our lives.
Please note: This is a “brown bag” event and it is recommended that participants bring their lunch to eat during the roundtable. We’ll also have beverages and popcorn or other snacks to share.
About the Roundtable: The Women’s Leadership Roundtable is a facilitated open forum for women, as leaders of themselves and others, to discuss relevant issues, build community and network, collaborate with, learn from, and support one another. It provides an opportunity for women to be heard, share their experiences, engage in thought-provoking discussion, and to generate ideas and growth together. The roundtable is an ongoing event, open to the public, held on the last Friday of every other month from January through September in a Denver area location. You are encouraged to attend as frequently as possible and bring your ideas, issues, and interests to the discussion. There is a $10 charge for the roundtable, paid in advance when registering online, and a $12 charge when paid at the door. For additional information, contact Karen McGee at 303-503-9681.