Create the Future by Setting Powerful Intentions
Posted by Karen McGee on Jan 5, 2015 in Blog, Intentions | 0 commentsHappy New Year! Are you ready for a fabulous year? Did you make New Year’s Resolutions, or do you hate them and reject the whole idea of making (and then often breaking) them? Resolutions seem to be more focused on fixing things that are wrong rather than on opening up possibilities that may blast through and surpass even our most positively framed resolutions. So, even if you love making resolutions, you may find setting intentions to be a great adjunct to or an especially powerful replacement for them. And if you hate the whole idea of making resolutions, you may find that setting intentions is the perfect way to create the future of your dreams. You may even find it’s the perfect way to create something beyond your wildest dreams. But how exactly do we set intentions that are so powerful? We’ll work on that together and get a great start on the year during the January Women’s Leadership Roundtable. We’ll share our ideas with one another and leverage the collective power of our thoughts and experiences to thoroughly address how to create the future by setting powerful intentions.
Please join us on January 30th for the first Women’s Leadership Roundtable of the year to discuss our options for creating lives of meaning and purpose and planning for the rest of our lives. It’s never too early or too late to engage in thoughtful and dynamic conversations about the future.
Please note: This is a “brown bag” event, and it is recommended that participants bring their lunch to eat during the roundtable. We’ll also have beverages and popcorn to share. The Women’s Leadership Roundtable is a facilitated open forum for women, as leaders of themselves and others, to discuss relevant issues, build community and network, collaborate with, learn from, and support one another. It provides an opportunity for women to share their experiences, engage in thought-provoking discussion, and to generate ideas and growth together. The roundtable is an ongoing event, open to the public, held on the 3rd Friday of the month from January through October in a Denver area location. You are encouraged to attend as frequently as possible and bring your ideas, issues, and interests to the discussion. There is a $10 charge for the roundtable, paid in advance when registering online, and a $12 charge when paid at the door. A discounted rate is available for those wishing to register for an entire year of roundtables. For additional information contact Karen McGee at 303 503-9681.